So what's the deal with Fred, anyways?

Our Mission

Fred focuses on well-designed stuff that solves a problem, puts a smile on your face, and doesn’t cost a fortune. We delight in taking everyday, functional products and turning them into something fresh and unexpected, something funny, something personal.

We combine the best materials and processes with real-world pricing, supporting our products with close manufacturing supervision, relentless quality management, and ongoing safety testing — guaranteeing our customers’ satisfaction.

Who Are We?

Fred is made up of a ragtag group of designers and product development specialists who are devoted to bringing amusing, intriguing and useful ideas to life. We’re also devoted to beer... and cake.

Working from our renovated factory offices in Pawtucket, Rhode Island — the cradle of the American Industrial Revolution — we each bring our own blend of unique ideas, tastes and backgrounds to Fred’s table. It’s a stew for success! And fun. We have a ton of fun.

Have a Product Idea?

We invite you to present your product ideas by email. We don't require elaborate presentations or highly developed drawings. The best ideas come through clearly even if scribbled on a napkin. We are, however, interested to know what you think about your idea and how you developed and refined it. This helps us understand both you and the design better.

It is easiest/fastest/most efficient to work on a good-faith basis. We are not in the business of ripping off designers, because we're designers too! We value our reputation for original ideas and market integrity. If you'd like to proceed on this basis, please go ahead and tell us more!